
Youtube How To Kiss A Guy

Are you a rookie when it comes to kissing? Or, looking out for ways to up your lip-locking game to drive your man crazy? Or, are you not sure about your kissing technique and think you are a bad kisser. Well, fret not! We have got you covered.
Let's get this straight—kissing is not rocket science, it is an art that is easy to master. It is one of the sweet and simple joys of life. It shows your love, care, and attention. Apart from these, it is one of the major parts of a great sex life. It can almost break or build your sex life. In fact, a good kiss is a turn on your partner and can spice up any moment.

For all those girls who are trying it for the first time or need to help to master the technique, here's how you can kiss a guy…
A little bit of preparation helps
We are not asking you search for articles online and dig deeper about what exactly kissing it. For being kiss-ready, you can apply a lip balm to soften your lips. Chapped lips can be a turn off for anyone, right? You can also try using a lipstick to make your lips look more attractive. A good perfume or body mist helps as well. Most importantly, make sure your mouth does not smell foul. You can use mouth sprays or eat mint to get rid of it.

Mutual consent is a must
Before you make plans and get lost in your utopian world, make sure your partner is also willing for the same. If it's your first time or you guys have not make it official yet, it is a good idea to let him know your intentions. Both of you need to be on the same page emotionally.
But don't be blunt about it. Look for the right moment where you have privacy, set the mood, give him some compliments and then, politely (and passionately) ask them if they are okay being kissed. Make sure you are polite about it and if it's a no from their side, do not request the same again.

How to start it
If you are lucky and your partner has agreed for kissing, then you must know how to begin the act. We suggest going slow and soft in the starting. As you both come closer to kiss, be gentle and start with massaging each other's lips. Approach his lower lip first and then proceed towards his upper lip. Don't make it a hush-hush affair and enjoy every moment of it. Most importantly, it is okay to blush and get butterflies in your stomach—it's natural. And don't think twice to step back if anyone of you is not comfortable with it.

The next step
Once you both develop a comfort level, you can take things to next level. After you have made the start by gently massaging their lips with yours, try to get a little wilder. The next step is to massaging his lips between yours and gently squeezing them. It's an indication that you are enjoying the deed and want to make it spicier. Make sure you are still gentle enough and don't use much force.
While kissing, don't use your teeth—it can be turn off for him. You can run over your tongue slowly over his teeth.

The head position
Your head position depends upon your comfort level. Rather than kissing him head on, try tilting your head and it would be more comfortable for both of you. Make sure you are not concentrating on just one side of his face. Ergo, you can consider changing your position again to the other side.

Let him do some work
While you have taken the charge till now, give him the chance to kiss you as well (unless you are trying to dominate). Kissing is like a clap, it only happens when there is effort from both the sides. Let him take over, and lead the task.

How to kiss a man

Don't just kiss the lips
Who says kissing is just for lips. Try kissing his nose, earlobes, forehead, cheeks and even eyes. It make the moment steamier And trust us, every place has its own charm. While a peck on forehead shows you love and concern, a kiss on earlobes is erotic. If you want to go a little bold, try burying your head in his neck, and kissing and licking him there. If you both are comfortable to go ahead, try little bit of sucking and planting a hickey. Make sure you take his permission before doing it as love bites can be visible and their mark can make him uncomfortable later.

Use your hands
Make the most out of your kissing by using your hands. Place your hands on his shoulder or waist while kissing him. If the moment is heating up, try to pull him closer and kiss even more passionately. You can also try playing with his hair by gently stroking them. If not this, you can also hug him, gently stroke their back or cheeks while kissing. This would make the experience even more intense and romantic.

Don't stick to just one thing
Things might get monotonous after a while. Try mixing a few techniques together and don't just stick to one. For instance, after kissing for a few seconds, try using your tongue to break the monotony. Move your hands, rub his arms or pull him closer to keep things going. You can also think of trying different kissing styles.

Eye contact
Whether or not to make the eye contact depends upon person to person. Some enjoy the act with closed eyes, while many other like to keep their eyes open and see their face. It's better not to think much about it and just go with the flow.

How to kiss a man

Don't plan everything
Planning every part of your kiss simply spoils the charm of the moment. It is good to do little bit of homework but don't dig too deep that you end up not enjoying the moment. It's all about having a good time and cherishing the memory of your kiss. Be carefree and let things move at their own pace. There is no rule book of kissing, hence do not plan anything step by step. Kissing is meant for the enjoyment of both the partners, so make sure he gets to lead as well. Most importantly, do not set any expectations! Romantic movies or novels might have taken you to fantasy world where kissing is an out-of-the-world experience, but it might turn out to be something else in reality. Hence, brooding much about it before might ruin your experience.

If it's your first kiss
If it's your first kiss—take a deep breath, there's is nothing to be nervous about. Make sure you trust the person to whom you are planning to kiss. It will make you more comfortable. There your first kiss turns out to be awkward, fret not…this is normal! Kissing is something that you master with time and an awkward experience makes hilarious memories later. We bet the next experience is going to be better than the previous one. Since it's your first time, try sticking to just basics.

First kiss happens only once in your entire life, that's pretty obvious. So, don't even think of rushing things. Just be in the moment and relish every second. Do it at your own pace, and whatever that makes you feel good. Again, it's completely fine to back out any moment when you feel you are not comfortable doing it. It's about mutual consent and a good partner will surely respect it.

How to kiss a man

Once you are done with it…
Okay, so we have told you enough about how to kiss. But what to do once you are done kissing? Should you thank them or simply start acting normal? Should you tell him what you exactly felt like or sugar-coat whatever you plan to talk? Also, what was their experience like? Should you ask him what's hovering on his mind? We understand it can be a confusing situation and here's how you should approach the situation. Well, they say it right—honesty is the best policy. There is no need to be formal. If you had a great experience, share it with him and give him a few complements. Tell him it was a memorable moment and don't forget to smile. It won't cost you anything and would probably make his day.

In case it was a bad experience, be upfront but polite about that as well. Let him know what all did not go down well with your and would you like to do it again in the future or not. Since the experience was not just about you, ask him for his feedback as well. If you are willing to take things forward, work on the techniques, keeping each other's likings and disliking in mind. You will eventually make your way.

Happy kissing!

Youtube How To Kiss A Guy


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